In this regard, Governor Ravi also rejected the information that appeared in various media that Governor Ravi had given his approval to the bill for Online rummy. When BBC Tamil asked Governor Ravi about this, he said, "When I was asked for permission to introduce the Online Rummy Ordinance Bill as a legal bill in the state assembly, I had given my consent. I should not block such a procedure as the state governor."
"After the bill was passed in the Legislative Assembly as a formal bill, it was sent for my consideration by the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly. I am considering the aspects of the bill and other legal issues. I have not yet given my approval for the bill. The bill is under my consideration," Governor Ravi said. Ban on online gambling: Tamil Nadu government defines online gambling as betting. It also includes online games that are played through cash or other forms of payment. This payment method can consist of virtual credits, tokens, items, or any in-game payment value. Regulating and banning certain online games: The new bill bans tabled online games that are played with money or other investment.
These include poker and rummy. It defines online games of chance as meeting any of the following four conditions:
(i) Chance dominates over skill
(ii) Games are presented as games of chance
(iii) The nature of chance can only be overcome by sheer skill
(iv) Games involve playing cards, dice, or wheels of fortune powered by random event generators.
Establishment of Tamil Nadu Gaming Commission: This commission will be responsible for identifying potential online games and recommending to the state government to include them in the list of banned games. This Commission shall have the following powers:
(i) Issuance of certificates to local online game providers to operate in the State
(ii) Making regulations regarding time limits, money limits, and age restrictions for online games
(iii) collect and maintain information and retain data relating to the activities of online game providers.